Julia’s World Kitchen makes delicious food while fostering positive rhetoric about migration, empowering women, and nurturing positive relationships within our diverse communities.
— Julia

Welcome to Julia's World Kitchen!

My World Kitchen started as a supper club for 12 guests serving up delicious home cooked traditional recipes made by new migrant women to the UK. The idea was born after I spent time volunteering at a local charity helping families integrate into the UK and tried some of the women’s traditional dishes from their home countries. They were absolutely delicious! The women, the food and the recipes are a homage to where they come from and the generations the recipes have been passed down from.

The delicious food these women have cooked for years to feed their families has gone unrecognised and unacknowledged; sometimes for generations... until now.

An all-women team from all over the globe makes up Julia’s Kitchen, offering Middle Eastern, India, South Asian, Latin American and East European traditional favourites - all home cooked. Each dish is made from the heart with traditional recipes that have been tried and tested for generations.

I come from a family of migrants. I myself have emigrated twice. I learned from my grandmothers and mother that the best way to make an unfamiliar place feel like home, was to cook and share it in the hopes of making new friends. This is how my food story began and this is how I connect with new people.

Over the years, I have learnt what a unifying force food can be and no matter how far away from home you might be or how little you know about a culture or country. breaking bread with others leads to positive connections and relationships.